Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New Background Color For Elephant Crown

Elephant Flower Crown now in white!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Saving Jeans

Lil' B just wore through the knee in one of my favorite pairs of her pants. It was sad because they didn't even make through a year, and usually all her pants do, and these jeans were really cute! So I decided to extend their life a little bit longer by putting a knee patch on both legs, and I am very happy with the way it turned out.

New Stocking with Cute Elf Toe Cap

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Stockings

Over here at my house last night, the elves were busy crafting! Or one really pregnant woman :)

I made two stockings last. The rust orange one is actually a replica of my daughter' stocking currently hanging in our house. The next one is probably for the new babe. I posted both on Etsy and we'll see if we get any love!

I do love making stockings. They are what really brought me to my love of felt, my favorite material to work with.

Monday, December 8, 2008

My First Esty Orders!

Got a few of my first orders! I mailed out one last week and have a few more to go this week. Here's some getting ready to be taken to the post office. Of course my little muse has to give them a trail run to make sure they are cute and wearable, and they are!

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bolt Fabric Sale

Just showing off all the fun finds I got from a Bolt fabric sale. For Portland locals, Bolt is a fantastic fabric store located in the Alberta area. The store is about the size of my living room, but the good thing is that you want almost everything they have packed in there. Everything is 10% to 50% off today and tomorrow!

B, my hubby, had to go to a work conference so I had the kids to myself. So I was a little hesitant to go to the sale, but so glad I did. It was crazy and I got a few funny glances toting a stroller, pregnant belly, and 4 year old into the store.

Mostly I went because I wanted to make the kids some cute pillow cases, because we only have to flowery ones in rotation, and the boy decor is lacking! I'll probably have to do some sewing today with all this cute stuff and I'll update later. Happy Weekend!

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Mushrooms and Works in Progress

So this is a little work in progress. I hope it turns out to be a beautiful wall hanging for the kids' room. We shall see.

And this is a mushroom I was forced to make, due to cuteness. It's not a cute as I had hoped, but still pretty fun, lovable, and squeezable.

Ah, sad little crown. Nobody loves you. This crown is in a little shop in town, and I love it, but nobody else does. So I probably won't make another. Here's to your sweet memory.

A whale sewn on a shirt! Not much more to say. I haven't really done much of this before, so it's not very well done, but did the job of making the shirt more aesthetically pleasing.

An action shot of whale on the shirt. Yogurt is also shown in this pic :) And the last is my sweet lil'b and it just ended up in this post just because.

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Crowns

Here's some fun new crown designs I whipped up last week. I think that the mushroom crown is so earthy Oregon. The snail one turned out cuter than I expected, and I can't get enough of elephants!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mia Bella's Birthday Crown

I made a Birthday crown for Lil'B. I really like how it turned out. Her other crown was the first one that I made and it was looking extremely shabby in comparison to the current ones I have made.

Craft Happenings

Over our media break, a lot of crafting happened over here. I made some really fun crocheted Pixie Hats following a free pattern on Sweater Babe. My good friend Mother Geese also had some hats made out of this pattern, and we didn't even know we had the same pattern. You can see her super cute Pixie hats on her page. Great minds think alike right? The one Bug is wearing is really made for babe #3, but he squished into it for the picture. I am in the process of making Bug a brown one, but I have been slightly discouraged because I can't get him to keep a hat on for more than 5 seconds :( But hat making continues on regardless of Bug's lack of hat love.

The second round of hats are made from a recycled sweater from my beloved. They are goofy and fun, and the kids keep them on a little longer than the pixie hats.

The last pictures are of two attempts at making Lil'B a dress. Sad attempts. But cute skirts. After hours, literally, of trying to make a dress sans pattern, I gave up, chopped off the top have and sewed it into a skirt. I love the skirts, but would have LOVED to have made a dress. Now I am looking for some cute easy dress patterns for Lil'B.