Saturday, October 11, 2008

Craft Happenings

Over our media break, a lot of crafting happened over here. I made some really fun crocheted Pixie Hats following a free pattern on Sweater Babe. My good friend Mother Geese also had some hats made out of this pattern, and we didn't even know we had the same pattern. You can see her super cute Pixie hats on her page. Great minds think alike right? The one Bug is wearing is really made for babe #3, but he squished into it for the picture. I am in the process of making Bug a brown one, but I have been slightly discouraged because I can't get him to keep a hat on for more than 5 seconds :( But hat making continues on regardless of Bug's lack of hat love.

The second round of hats are made from a recycled sweater from my beloved. They are goofy and fun, and the kids keep them on a little longer than the pixie hats.

The last pictures are of two attempts at making Lil'B a dress. Sad attempts. But cute skirts. After hours, literally, of trying to make a dress sans pattern, I gave up, chopped off the top have and sewed it into a skirt. I love the skirts, but would have LOVED to have made a dress. Now I am looking for some cute easy dress patterns for Lil'B.


Ellyn Canfield said...

Paris, I love that you are doing this! I'm serious, I think it's awesome that in your media break, you spent time with family and all that good stuff, but you also got to realize further a passion of yours that could turn into a business venture. It's really awesome- it challenges me to see what i would discover about myself if I took some time to think about it.

You should go for it on friend Molly Gee has one, I think you would like her stuff:

Keep it up!!

G Neal said...

kids' hats (crocheted) look awesome, I can see judah grabbing at it in both shots though!! very cute, It would be fun to do a pic of all of them... maybe if we do some studio lighting experimenting??


MamaP said...

I would love to do some experimenting with you! Let me know the time.